On Saturday, April 25th our beloved Mom passed away peacefully, surrounded by the things most precious to her. We will be forever grateful to Kamloops Seniors Village for their compassion and support through these past four months. Mom loved her new home and mentioned the hug every night that her Care Aide gave her before she went to sleep.
Mom and her twin sister Catherine were born at Royal Inland Hospital 89 years ago. Their birth caused quite a stir in the community because so few multiple births survived. For many years people would knock on the Owens’ front door and ask to see the twins! Mom was raised in a happy, loving home by Jessie and William Owens. In addition to Catherine (Ken), she had an older brother (Dr.) Bill Owens (Marion) and little sister Jeanette (Bill) McQuay. Except for Marion, her family are all gone now.
In 1954 Mom married the love of her life, Victor Newman of Brocklehurst. They were hard workers and made each other laugh every day. Mom had two kids, Vicci and Bobby, who she was fiercely proud and protective of. She loved being a mother-in-law to Cathy Newman and Tony Ryan. In fact, she often mentioned that she loved them ‘best’. Christine (Bob & Cathy’s daughter) was Mom’s only grandchild for many years but later in life Carling, Erin (Mitchell) and Caitie joined the Newman Clan when Vicci married Tony. Christine was so lucky to grow up next to her Grandparents at the lake. In addition to her immediate family, Mom opened her home and heart to three people that we consider important members of our family; Jim, Susanna and Alex.
For over 20 years Mom worked for the Kamloops School Board as the Teacher-On-Call Secretary. At work by 5:30am, Mom would field calls from teachers who were ill. In the years before automation, Mom knew all the elementary teachers by name, knew what kind of teaching style they had and was able to select the right sub for the right classroom. She knew the subs individually just by the sound of their voices.
After she and Dad retired they spent many happy days with her siblings at Shuswap Lake. All the Owens siblings had purchased in the Sorrento area and they saw each other daily. This meant the cousins saw each other frequently, and to this day the cousins call the Shuswap, ‘Auntie Wyne’s Lake!’
Wyne and Vic loved their life. They had a close, happy family which included the Newman siblings – Gwen, Darrel and Melvin (Sybil) and many dear friends. Mom was involved in Beta Sigma Phi, played golf at the Kamloops Golf Club and was a part of the same Bridge Club for over 50 years. For many years Mom had an ‘Antique Lady Party’ every November, which included 40 or so ladies who came to drink wine and eat fancy sandwiches. Dad was the only man invited, and he loved being the bartender!! Later in life she and Rae Morelli held Happy Hour daily until Mom lost her dear friend in 2010. The Happy Hour Gang included her long-time friends: Mavis, Gwen, Rudy and John who continued to meet every Tuesday until this past February. Mom looked forward to this special day with reverence. Over the years Bob and Pat Ryan joined many Happy Hours and supported Mom at every turn! She loved her friends!
The Owens family were Presbyterians and Mom loved going to church. When Dad asked Mom to marry him she replied, “Only if you become a member of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church!” They were married in the church 66 years ago, and at the time of her death she was the oldest living member. From childhood our parents had a framed bible verse that hung in the kitchen, “John 3:16: For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life”. Over the years our family has known the ministers at the church and considered them family friends. Mom would want George Peters, Harold Weist and Steve Fylik to know how much she enjoyed their visits and support in the last few years.
Bonnie Tindall was Mom’s private Care Aide. In truth, she is an angel who worked with Mom night and day and always put Mom’s needs before her own. Mom loved her deeply and our family owes Bonnie an immense debt of gratitude.
We asked Mom a couple of years ago what she wanted to be remembered for once she had passed away. She said, “That I was good, and I needed more wine!” Her final words to loved ones were “Enjoy your lives, and the truth is I don’t wanna go anywhere!!!”
In lieu of flowers (which Mom loved) the family would appreciate a donation to the ‘RIH Foundation’ in Wyne’s memory. There will be no service at this time but the family will hold a memorial, God willing, when times are safer.
15 Tributes
Writing this from Rob, Madeline, Abby and I – We all loved and will miss Aunt Wyne very much. She was such a special person in our lives and we are lucky to have so many fond memories of her to cherish. Sending all of you virtual hugs until we can see you again.
Such a beautiful tribute to an amazing lady. Everyone loved Wyne. She had a way to light up the room where ever she was. My mom and Wyne has so many good times together – memories for me as I was growing up and now presently. I think of rooms full of the golf prizes, Christmas gift wrapping, the Bridge Club ladies, and most recently weekly wine time. We will miss you dearly Wyne but blessed to know you are up there with Vic and your friends and no doubt having a good laugh and a glass or two of wine.
Forever a family member and thankful to Bob and Vicci and particularly Vic and Winnie for taking me in as a boarder back on Pleasant Street. Winnie was always resolute in keeping me posted as to family escapades. May her wine glass be constantly filled by her attendant bar keeper, Victor.
I am so honoured to have met Wynne and her family. She was very proud of her room and I had the privilege of hearing all about many of the interesting items she had displayed in her place. She always managed a smile no matter what. You were such a ‘lady’ Wynne and we will so miss you.
Vicci, I am so sorry to hear of your Mom’s passing. I have such wonderful memories of her over the year at the Board Office, on the golf course, at the lake and at many school events. You will miss her but will tuck all those special mother/daughter memories away in your heart.
Got teary again reading this and thinking about Auntie Winnie. I’m sure it could have been three or four pages long. Your mom and dad were the salt of the earth and I couldn’t have asked for better Godparents. I always felt so lucky to be able to call them that. A&W in heaven will be bustling again with all the Newmans and Owens having their morning coffee session and the wine afternoons will be epic.
Vicci – I just read the beautiful tribute to your mom. I was on the sub list many years ago and Winnie knew I was quite happy to work only a half day as I was not looking for a full time job. And she knew I only preferred k to 3!! Cherish all the memories.
Winnie was a key member of the School District Central Office. She was able to manage the teacher on call service flawlessly. Her contribution cannot be overstated as to its importance. In addition, she was a positive, motivational staff member. Her legacy to her circle of friends, colleagues and to the school district will ripple through the ages.
My sincere condolences to her family.
We are so sorry to hear of your loss .
Our thought and prayers are with you .
A great person. Always supportive and interested in helping others be the best they could be. She and Vic made a wonderful couple. The Owens family were and are great people and did much to make a Kamloops a great community. Condolences to Winnie’s family. She will be missed and fondly remembered.
Gordon and Anne Lloyd
To my good friend Winnie, I shall miss our Tuesdays so much and miss your smile that always said “Its all OK!” From the time our first babes were born, we have laughed and consoled each other through thick and thin! Through diapers, and bridge and golf and several week-end getaways, we have “cheered” the times and the joys we’ve shared. I know you’ve already got a Tuesday wine set up for when the rest of us join you, and we will meet again, dear friend! Always, Mavis
Vicci and Bob, We are so sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. We have great memories of the many get togethers at mom and dad’s place, playing rummoli or just socializing. She will have been met by a great group of friends at heavens door.
Thinking of you, Diny and Bill
Though many decades have passed since childhood, your mom’s genuine warmth (that shone from her eyes) and her fabulous laugh are clearly recalled.
God bless your family as you continue to carry the wonderful family legacy forward.
I will forever be grateful to you and Vic for adopting me as a student from Mexico many years ago. It was so wonderful, and such a privilege, to have you and Vic as my Canadian parents for that year and have Vicci and Bobby as my Canadian siblings.
Your sense of humor, love, and generosity, together with Vic’s steadfastness and quiet warmth, provided the stability, space, and safety for me to learn and grow, and have one of the best years of my life.
I will remember you always with gratitude and love, and treasure the special connection that we created and enjoyed.
Vicci: I am so sorry to hear of your mom’s passing. She was a definite force of life and a joy to know. Please accept my deepest sympathies and know my thoughts are with you and your family.