Beloved Mother, Sister, Grandmother, Aunt, Cousin, Friend
The last day of summer has come and gone and with it has taken our much loved Jane.
A champion of animals and those less fortunate, her love was global , was often handwritten in beautiful penmanship and mailed through the post office. A letter might take days to write, always sent with love. If you were lucky enough to get a letter from Jane be sure to keep it in a special place. She would like that.
The middle child of 3, born in Prince Rupert to Joyce Marie and Harold Willard Helgerson who met during the battle of Britain, she kept things simple. Love, respect, honour, compassion, understanding were foremost in her life. Jane was all the good in humanity and none of the worst. Jane met Alan in Williams Lake and they raised three children in Saskatchewan then in BC. Both Alan and youngest son John predeceased her and she was left with a sadness she no longer feels as we all know she is in their company.
A life compounded by circumstance, sometimes cruel, her own travails did not diminish the love of her children she held so dear. Her service, dedication and even advocacy for others was front and centre. Parallels to her mother are striking. Like her father, Jane had a huge heart and a life long affection for Coca Cola that was never tamed.
Jennifer leaves son Jay (Thomas, Hannah) and daughter Alison(Allen) to carry forward her love into the future. Everyone could use a mother like this woman. An older sister and younger brother remember the good times, laughter and love that followed her around. We loved her so much we would laugh even when a joke was really not that funny. No less important than family were friends, of which there are many. You know who you are, all treasured by her as Jane knew that true friendship is so hard to find.
We thank Nichole Korol, her niece who did whatever she could to help out, Nicholas and Halle, great nephew and niece. Brother in law Ken would call often to check on Jennifer. Allen was always there to help when he could. Daughter Alison was more than just a daughter, they were best friends. Jay spent numerous joyful hours carrying out errands.
To the numerous Doctors and nurses who truly cared for her. God bless, you are angels without wings. Stay safe, we need you all.
Special thank you to Tracey Demers, her respiratory tech in Kamloops. A true professional, kind and caring. An old soul, as was Jane.
Jennifer would ask us all to be kind, especially to the less fortunate and always be good to animals. She would want us to do the right thing, whatever it may be. We all know inside us what that is. We feel her love and spirit all around. We do not say goodbye to such an incredible woman, we say we will catch up down the road, wherever it takes us.
If you wish, please make a donation in Jennifers name for the advocacy of all beasts great and small
Condolences may be sent to the family from
3 Tributes
Her Legacy lives on in all her acts of kindness, her Love lives on in all of those whose Lives she touched. Sending Love from the Smoch Boys♥️Life is change Perpetual, Embrace the Moments we were Gifted with One whose light shone So BrightNamaste Ali and all those whom carry Jennifer’s Light within
Jay and Alison, I’m so very sorry for your loss. Your Mom was one of a kind and a very special lady, who will be missed. My deepest sympathies to you all. Take care of yourselves and each other.
I never knew your Mom, Alison but from all the comments and tributes I know she was a special person with a big heart. My heartfelt coondolences to you and family members in this difficult time.