RAY CHERRIMAN 1966 — 2024


This is so difficult to write. How do you sum up the life of the love of your life in a few paragraphs.

Our Ray, born December 1, 1966, in Vancouver, passed away on our son’s 28th birthday, December 17, 2024, at home.

Ray was the best dad to our son Cody, and the most loved and most loving husband to me (Lisa). I don’t need to tell you all how awesome he was, because those of you who knew him, already know that. He was quiet, kind, and funny. He didn’t let much get to him and took things in stride. It was sometimes annoying how calm he was. He would always tell me “it’s fine Lisa”, even if I didn’t feel like everything was fine.

Ray and I met when I was 16, he was 20, in 1987. It was love at first sight and we’ve been together ever since. We completed our family when our wonderful son, Cody, joined us on December 17, 1996. We built a great life with so many fabulous memories and the best adventures. Before MS made it difficult for him to get around he was so active. He loved golf and anything to do with the outdoors.

Ray lived with multiple sclerosis for over 20 years. Stupid MS made him take LTD in October, 2018. It was hard on Ray to not work anymore but he adjusted and was happy being Cody’s taxi, driving him to his many sports, games, practices, and his daily trip to Starbucks. Even with MS, we continued to travel as much as we could. We loved cruising and had so much fun with family on all our trips.

We sure didn’t think he would be leaving us. And I am not sure how we will carry on without him, but we have the best family and friends to support us. He will be so greatly missed by me, our son, Cody, his mom Donna and her husband Grant, my mom, Brenda, brother Gord (Terry), sister Tanya (Kane), my sister Leah (Mike) and our nieces and nephews, Gage, Jacob, Austin, MacKenzie, Nate and Isobel, many aunties, uncles, cousins and friends.

Our nephew Jacob told me that he “always aspired to be like Uncle Ray, always joyful, always with a smile no matter what situation, and I will try my best to complete that goal”. And that was Ray. The best role model and inspiration to me and others.

He’s not been feeling well the last little while and when I asked him what he needed he would say, “a new body please”. I hope he has that new body now. I hope he has no pain. I know he misses us as much as we miss him. I just saw this quote “When we lose someone we love, we must learn not to live without them, but to live with the love they left behind”. I will do my best to do that.

At this time we are not planning a service of any kind but if we do it will be in the spring or summer and we will let y’all know.

Thank you to everyone who has reached out with love and hugs. The love and support Cody and I have received has been so needed and appreciated.

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8 Tributes

  1. Cheryl thompson
    Posted December 23, 2024 at 5:53 pm | Permalink

    Aww what a great way to honour Ray. Kelly always said ray was so level headed when he worked with him(kelly management at moly cop ,ray negotiating for union). So sorry for you and Cody.

  2. Betty Ann Beatty
    Posted December 23, 2024 at 5:53 pm | Permalink

    We are so so sorry for your huge loss. Ray was an amazing person and will be missed by so many. Treasure the memories Lisa and Cody. ❤️ from Ross and Betty Ann Beatty and family

  3. Jennifer Betuzzi
    Posted December 24, 2024 at 7:06 am | Permalink

    Awww, Lisa and Cody. So sorry to hear this sad news. All I can offer is some prayers to help carry at this difficult time.

  4. David & Colleen
    Posted December 24, 2024 at 2:47 pm | Permalink

    Our heart goes out to you & Cody. Raymond was a kind soul, a good man ,husband , dad & son. We always admired him for all his strength even when he struggled with his health. The love he had for all of you will always be close to your hearts ,and be one thought away
    Hugs to you all- David & Colleen

  5. Ian Young
    Posted December 27, 2024 at 2:44 am | Permalink

    A very fitting tribute to Ray. Thank you for sharing the story of your lives together and the challenges that he faced with such loving support from you and Cody, and the extended family and friends. Sincere condolences from me, Vanessa, Larissa, Katrina, Andrew and Richard.

  6. Brian Simpson
    Posted December 28, 2024 at 4:39 pm | Permalink

    I was so sorry to read about Ray’s passing. I used to work with him in Savona years ago. He was always a great guy and had a smile for everyone. Rest in peace buddy and my heart goes out to his family in which he Clearly cared about so much….

  7. Rose Rodrigues
    Posted January 26, 2025 at 1:52 pm | Permalink

    Lisa, Cody, annd Donna,
    Roy, my son just told me about dear Ray’s passing. Roy and Ray were in school together in Chase. It was my pleasure meeting Ray again at Donna’s 70? birthday in Kamloops. Very calm and loving. It is hard to lose a loved one but Ray’s love will be with you all, and our prayers for you all.

  8. Vern Colley
    Posted January 29, 2025 at 8:09 am | Permalink

    Lisa and Cody i was very saddened to be notified of the passing of Ray. he was the valivictorian of his class in Lethbridge and had a learning desire to be a Police Officer and would have made an excellent member with him clam
    mannerism. My thoughts and prayers to all of yyou and to his sister TANYA. May he rest in Peace with no darkness and no pain.uncle vern

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