With heavy hearts we say goodbye to Thomas Gordon Taylor.
Born in Winnipeg, November 25th 1923, Gordon enjoyed playing tennis and basketball. As a young man, he met the love of his life: Kay Rogers.
After finishing university with a degree in chemistry, Gordon worked as a chemist in Trail BC. In the early 1950s, he returned to Winnipeg to marry Kay and bring her out west where he was living.
From Trail, he and Kay moved to Port Mellon B.C. where Gordon worked at the pulp mill for 14 years. The couple started their family in Port Mellon, having their son Doug in 1957 and daughter Donna in 1961.
In 1968, the family moved to Kamloops, B.C., where Gordon worked as Technical Director of Weyerhaeuser Pulp Mill. From Kamloops, he and Kay moved to Vancouver Island. Donna remained in Kamloops, marrying Frank Cordonier, and Doug went on to school at UBC in Vancouver.
On Vancouver Island, the couple lived in Gold River where Gordon finished the last years of his professional career for Tahsis Pulp Mill, moving to Qualicum Beach after he retired.
Donna and Frank began their family in Kamloops, prompting Gordon and Kay to return, so they could live close to their grandchildren. Several years later, Kay developed Alzheimer’s and passed away in December of 2006.
Gordon missed Kay greatly, finding joy seeing his family in Kamloops, and having Doug visit from the coast. He lived 11 years after Kay’s death, with full mental capacity and good spirit. Unfortunately balance issues brought a series of injuries.
Still he showed great resilience coming through these setbacks. Even in the days before his death on May 23rd, 2017, his support workers and family members found him cheerful and quick witted. The family would like to thank the staff at Kamloops Seniors Village for their care these last few years. We all miss him very much.
Gord was predeceased by sister Bernice Sproule, brother-in-law Ted Sproule, brother George Taylor, sister-in-law Lenore Taylor, and brother Edwin Taylor.
He is survived by his children, Douglas Taylor and Donna Cordonier, son-in-law Frank Cordonier, grandchildren Kirsten and Taylor Cordonier, and his sister-in-law Lillian Taylor (married to Edwin). Also he will be missed by his many nephews and nieces.
He was a patient, quiet and intelligent man, making life easy and enjoyable for those around him. He will be missed and we trust he is in a better place.
A Celebration of Life to be held Friday, May 26, 2017 from 1:30pm – 4:00pm at 660 Klahanie Dr. Kamloops, BC.
Contact Donna 250-371-7108
5 Tributes
Doug And Donna I know hard this is for both of you , My Heart aches for you both … such a tragic end to a wonderful life . Hold in your Hearts the great times you all had with him . I wish you peace and comfort in your sorrowful time . Virtual Hug to you both .
Rita (Storry) Stanchfield
Gordon hired me in 1974 at the Pulp Mill and set my lengthy career in motion. He was a wonderful fair leader. He is well remembered.
Donna and Family and Douglas.
Was so sorry to see the sad news in the paper this morning..
Thinking of you and remembering your Mom and Dad.
Hazel and Hak
Donna and Doug:
Your father Gordon was a kind, carring, and thoughtful man. In my office at the Kamloops Pulpmill I have a picture of Gordon taken in 1985 when I worked for him at the Gold River Pulpmil, the picture will stay up until I retire.
Yours sincerely Brady Conroy
Yours sincerely, Brady Conroy
Dear Donna and Doug.
My sincere condolences on the passing of your Father. Sending my love to you and also to Kirsten and Taylor.