Who to Call First
Whether you received a 2 a.m. phone call with news of an unexpected death or shared your loved one’s final moments of a long illness, your initial reaction to the death was likely shock. It doesn’t seem to matter how prepared we are – or aren’t – a loved one’s death often leaves us feeling numb and bewildered. If you’re responsible for making the funeral arrangements or executing the will, shock and grief can be immobilizing. Even simple decisions can be overwhelming.
Making the first phone calls
What to do first depends on the circumstances of the death. When someone dies in a hospital or similar care facility, the staff will usually take care of some arrangements, such as contacting the funeral home you choose, and if necessary, arranging an autopsy. You will need to notify family, friends and clergy. It may be easier on you to make a few phone calls to other relatives or friends and ask each of them to make a phone call or two to specific people, so the burden of spreading the news isn’t all on you. If you are alone, ask someone to keep you company while you make these calls and try to cope with the first hours after the death.
Call a Funeral Director
Whatever the circumstances of death, one of your first calls should be to a licensed funeral director. We are here to help you: transport the body, obtain a death certificate, select a casket, urn and/or grave marker, arrange the funeral, memorial and/or burial service, prepare the obituary, help you notify the deceased’s employer, attorney, insurance company and banks, offer grief support, or direct you to other resources.