With broken hearts we announce that Elizabeth (Betty) Palmer passed away in Kamloops, BC.  She was predeceased by her two husbands David Laidler and Donald Palmer, daughter Grace Wolkosky, her only sibling Bill Moffat and her grandson Jessee Palmer.  All of them will be awaiting her arrival with their dancing shoes on.

Mom was born in North Vancouver November 17, 1925 to parents William and Grace Moffat (nee Wilson).  She and her younger brother Bill grew up among the natural beauty of Lynn Valley.  She loved to share her memories of riding her horse through the river valley.  Following the death of her mother in 1948 she moved to Victoria where she met and married David.  Together they would have 5 children until his passing in 1963.  Mother was blessed in meeting Don a few years later, who not only fell in love with her and became a loving stepdad to her 5 children following their marriage in 1966.  From this union her last child Kenneth was born.  Following Don’s retirement from the navy in 1972 they moved to Edmonton where Don started a new job with the Federal Government.  They made many lifetime friends while living there.  In 1987 they returned to Vancouver Island to live out their retirement years in a large house in Sooke where they hosted many joyous gatherings of family and friends.   Following Don’s death in 1999 Betty moved back to familiar grounds in Esquimalt and lived there until the passing of Grace in 2007.   Later that year she relocated to Kamloops to be closer to her surviving daughter Carmen.

Betty was gregarious and embraced the social opportunities of her new surroundings.  She loved to dance, starting as a little girl with the Vancouver Ballet Company and we have great childhood memories of her dancing in the kitchen.   Four months after recovering from broken hip surgery in 2017 she danced the night away at her grandson’s wedding.  She joined the ladies Red Hats social group and loved participating in their many fun events.  Moving to Berwick On The Park retirement home in 2017 opened up more social activities for her and she maintained a robust schedule throughout her 90’s.

She leaves behind her 5 living children, Robert (Sharman), Donald (Cathy), John (Shelly), Carmen (James), Kenneth (Tina), 13 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren, sister-in-law Yvonne Moffat in Halifax and her children William, Robert and Anne-Marie.    Also left to mourn is her “second family,” the Watling sisters in Victoria who loved Betty like an aunt.  She was blessed in her later years with many friends and loved ones, providing her a wonderful quality of life as she aged.  To all her friends at Park Place in Kamloops where she lived for several years, we will continue to swing by and watch her tree grow.  Kudos to the wonderful staff at Berwick on the Park.  Mom enjoyed her years there.  Thanks also to Dr Thomasse and Daphne for administering to mom’s medical needs over many years.   A celebration of Betty’s life to be announced at a later date.

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7 Tributes

  1. NancyKlaus Mescheder
    Posted July 19, 2022 at 3:58 pm | Permalink

    Auntie Betty, I will miss you very much. I love when you talked to me you always listened and asked questions. You made me feel very important in your life. Your family has been part of our family for 72 years from when we lived on Pine street until you moved to Kamloops. You always came back to Victoria to visit us which we loved. I can hear your voice saying Hello dear. Sorry we didn’t get to celebrate your 100 birthday. You almost made it. Nancy And Klaus Mescheder / nee Watling.

  2. Ann-Marie Flinn
    Posted July 19, 2022 at 4:19 pm | Permalink

    I will greatly miss Aunt Betty. She was such a vibrant soul. Dad will be happy to finally be reunited with his loving sister.
    All my love to you and your family.
    Ann-Marie Flinn (Moffat), Bryan, Andrew and Allie

  3. Carolyn Gronlund
    Posted July 22, 2022 at 9:46 am | Permalink

    The Chase/Pritchard Sparklers wish to send our deepest condolences to Betty’s family. A long time valued member of our group, (and before that when we were the Red Hats), she was always full of fun and laughter and was always ready to take on any adventure. She will be deeply missed by all those who knew and loved her.

  4. Shirley Richardson
    Posted July 24, 2022 at 1:08 pm | Permalink

    I’m so sorry to hear of Betty’s passing. I met Betty on a bus trip many years ago, and invited her to join our floor curling group in Esquimalt. We became good friends and missed her when she moved to Kamloops. I remember her sadness when Grace was so sick, and when she died, it almost destroyed Betty. She always talked a lot about her kids, and was very close to them.
    Rest In Peace Betty, a lovely lady and my friend.

  5. Cindy McCauley
    Posted July 27, 2022 at 5:08 pm | Permalink

    Carmen and family. My sincere condolences. Your mom was always so sweet and kind to me when I saw her. And she always remembered me. Hold those memories close! Sincerely, Cindy McCauley.

  6. Brenda pack
    Posted July 28, 2022 at 10:39 am | Permalink

    Oh Betty my friend you don’t know how many tears I shed with the news if your passing. We didn’t get our casino day but next time I do I’ll play one for you. I will miss you dearly your smile your laughter your caring way. Until later.

  7. Judy Killaby
    Posted December 14, 2022 at 2:53 pm | Permalink

    I am so saddened to discover that Betty passed away 6 months ago! Betty & I had a great phone visit last Christmas season. I always enjoyed chatting with Betty. Don Palmer was my cousin. Your mom & I kept in touch at Christmas all through the years since Don’s passing. Please accept our sincerest sympathy. Judy & Marlon Killaby

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